Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Today I want to talk about a word. Insight.

Here are its definitions, both nouns.

1. an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, esp. through intuitive understanding.
2. penetrating mental vision or discernment; faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth

But I don't want to talk about that as much as just the word itself, and why it has blown my mind without even requiring me to ingest any drugs. So now, for two paragraphs allow me to generalize and make no apparent sense strictly in service to intellectual excitement incited (oh shit, don't even get me started on the homophones!) by a single little word.

The obvious etymological basis of the word is "In" + "Sight" and according to the online etymology dictionary it dates back to circa 1200 (innsihht). But that is not the final answer for me. Which of the two components is the more important one? IN-sight, sight which occurs internally within the mind? That would appear to line up more with definition number two. Or in-SIGHT, becoming clear, which would seem to align itself more closely with definition number one? Maybe neither are really more important, and I think perhaps they're too tightly entwined to even cleave the word into two different levels of meaning.

I guess the whole purpose of this little ramble is that the more I've thought about this word the more I've been impressed with the beauty of its construction. Insight. Understanding/Apprehension (SIGHT) of an internal/intellectual phenomenon (IN) which due to this Insight is now actually "In Sight". And it isn't the sensory "sight" but rather a mental/rational "sight" which returns us to the beginning of the previous sentence. Its like a linguistic mobius strip that keeps turning in on itself. Whoah!

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